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Services include so many amazing things!

Happy Fall!

It is hard to believe summertime is over and the leaves are beginning to change in CT. The Summer of 2018 was beyond amazing for me both personally as well as professionally. I left a 16 year corporate position as a Customer Service Manager (well, to be perfectly honest, I was fired. I had manifested it, I most deffinately deserved it and I am beyond thankful for it.). This has given me the opportunity to work full time on Spoiled LLC and further my love of all things botanical and magic.

Massage Therapy: I am currently seeing clients (by Appointment Only) in the beautiful Walnut Beach area. Call for times and availability 203-430-8682.

(Specializing in Oncology, Therapeutic, Swedish, Relaxation and Sleep,Geriatric and Memory Care)

If Yoga and Meditation are your thing, I am hosting workshops and teaching classes at Bend Yoga and Wellness and Tad-Gs Fitness.

Spoiled LLC has been added to many amazing Studios, Retail shops and unique Store fronts in CT and is looking to expand to its own Studio/Storefront in 2019. Looking for opportunities in the Florida Keys (no, I am not relocating there just yet but since my entire immediate family has located themselves South, a girl has to find a way to visit often!).

Be Amazing! Cheers and Love,

Cheryl Ann Yeager, LMT CT

Born from my love of plant magick, the raw power of Mother Nature and Grandmas “secret” recipe box.

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